Our Amenities
Royal Oaks has a great Swimming Pool and a nice Community Center (with several Social Events).
Swimming Pool
Our beautiful pool is open from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day, with members paying $150 each season to offset costs. Showers and free Wi-Fi are also available.
Community Center
The room includes large & small tables, a serving bar, and a complete kitchen. It is used for birthdays, rehearsal dinners, community parties, and large homeowner association meetings, etc.
Social Events
Holidays and special events take place throughout the year such as the Fourth of July Picnic & fireworks, Community Chili Cook-off, Christmas Party, and Ladies’ Bunco.
Community Center - Comm Ctr. Room Calendar
Swimming Pool - Pool Rules, Fees, Membership Application
Amenities also include community updates (via email), a (resident only) bi-monthly newsletter, and this website, all managed by neighborhood volunteers, as is the pool, community center and special events. Additionally, your ROPOA assessments pay for our Operations Center, which maintains our private streets, the low pressure sewer collection system, storm water facilities, street snow removal, and common area landscaping.